
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 12:59:23 pm)


(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 1:02:16 pm)

Chewing Wax:
I'm having some coffee. Maybe it will calm down the cyan and mauve.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 1:05:10 pm)

You don't mind those annoying patterns you big dead loving hippie.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 2:14:52 pm)

(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 2:19:48 pm)

Her litle head clinking
Like uh barrel of red velvet balls
Full past noise
Treats filled 'er eyes
Turning them yellow like enamel coated tacks
Soft like butter hard not t' pour
Out enjoying the sun while sitting on
Uh turned on waffle iron
Smoke billowing up from between her legs
Made me vomit beautifully
'n crush uh chandelier
Fall on my stomach 'n view her
From uh thousand happened facets
Liquid red salt ran over crystals
I later band-aided the area
Oh well it was worth it
Pena pleased but sore from sitting
Choose t' stub 'er toe
'n view the white pulps horribly large
in their red pockets
"I'm tired of playing baby," she explained
'n out of uh blue felt box let escape
One yellow butterfly the same size
Its dropping were tiny green phosphorous wor
ms That moved in tuck 'n rolls that clacked
'n whispered in their confinement
Three little burnt scotch taped windows
Several yards away
Mouths open t' tongues that vibrated
'n lost saliva
Pena exclaimed, "That's the raspberries."

(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 2:26:40 pm)

Mmmm, sugar cookies.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 2:37:19 pm)

froupie that polaroid looks cool!

and to answer your question about film, you can get it at most places that sell cameras and film, like camera world or even wolf camera, or whatever the british equivalent would be.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 2:41:17 pm)

Chewing Wax:
Heh! I can't stand The Dead. Except for that American Beauty album. That's a great album.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 3:10:10 pm)

You love the Dead. You and Decoy always yapping about going to see them.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 3:11:01 pm)

Chewing Wax:
I ain't no hippie
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 3:18:00 pm)

Chewing Wax:
I go for the scene, not the shitty music. But Dylan opened for them last year and he was great. He's a hippie I guess. Used to be. Now he's an underwear model. But that's okay. He's the tambourine man. Maybe. Or at least he knows the guy. Anyhow, we're not going this year becuase they priced themselves right out of the market as far as I'm concerned.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 3:43:31 pm)

Chewing Wax:
Is anyone paying attention to me?
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 3:45:27 pm)

Chewing Wax:
I miss Heruka and his plucky little smile.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 3:45:40 pm)

Is he goeneski? Like the wind?
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 3:58:16 pm)

Chewing Wax:
Like the windski
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:00:44 pm)

Did you talk to him?
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:02:23 pm)

Chewing Wax:
I did talk to him.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:06:16 pm)

Detlef Sping:
What did he say?
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:42:26 pm)

Detlef Sping:
Was it word of mouth? just wind?
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:43:26 pm)

Detlef Sping:
It's an ill wind that blows Heruka's boat no good.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:44:22 pm)

Chewing Wax:
He said a bunch of stuff. We talked for like half an hour. Mostly about Froupie.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:45:52 pm)

Detlef Sping:
not that there's anything wrong with it.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:45:52 pm)


(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:47:09 pm)

Detlef Sping:
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:47:27 pm)

Detlef Sping:
It looks delicious.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:47:48 pm)

Detlef Sping:
I had a buffalo strip a few days ago and I think it must have been stuck in the machine for a while it nearly killed me and not because it was hot.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:49:15 pm)

Chewing Wax:
Yeh. For the most part. We pined for the days when Sleepy and Cushca stomped around knocking over chairs and playing sloppy darts. I asked him where he went that time he disappeared for ten months. He was in the pokey.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:49:23 pm)

Chewing Wax:
Oh. The festival. Yeh. I'm always out of town for that thing. It looks great.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:50:12 pm)

Detlef Sping:
It tasted a bit strange but I thought what the hell is this but chewed it up anyway. big mistake.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:50:20 pm)

Chewing Wax:
They have it at the baseball park.
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:50:35 pm)

Chewing Wax:
ew. A strip?
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:50:55 pm)

Detlef Sping:
I didn't post it I thought you did. Yeah he wanted to stay in the past but you can't give everyone new jobs just to be able to babble on in the lounge, can you?
(Thu Jul 8, 2004 - 4:51:58 pm)