How about I'll invite you ALL to the Portland premiere, with a party following, and a special table marked RESERVED FOR DECOY'S LOUNGE with red m&m's and a deli-tray just for you guys.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:39:26 pm)

The key is to disconnect him from all his anchors and signposts for the reality he knows. Then the questions and dialog should follow from an unsullied source. Take him to the sensory depravation tanks and shine one of those little laser pointers in his eyes. Tell him if he doesn't tour to western New York you'll get out the Jedi Lightsabre.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:39:57 pm)

Maybe I'll interview him about his novel...Maybe I'll take him to Powell's (the country's biggest book store) for pictures. Or...I don't know...fuck. I should call his publicist Rick and ask him what he thinks.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:40:55 pm)

Ah yes; sorry mooch, the deli-tray rider will be negotiated in an ad-hoc committee after a reasonable amount has been deposited in escrow to the cover the, um, errr, expenses.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:41:15 pm)

May you enjoy a favorable Earth orbit for the next 365 days, at least.© moleculuxe Design/2000. later.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:41:50 pm)

Take care, mooch©.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:43:30 pm)

Oh yeah...I used that line as a signature in my emails for a long time...
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:43:34 pm)

That one and "live long and be Y2K compliant" which isn't really funny anymore.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:45:07 pm)

But at the time was pretty darn clever!
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:45:19 pm)

His publicist should be pretty useless. I think that you can assume a certain intellectual curiousity on RH's part. I've always found that the physical culture of a foriegn land can have the effect you're looking for. You can't go up on Atlantis, but there must be something around there that is stunning enough to occupy someone for an afternoon.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:47:16 pm)

Well Rick is very, very protective of him. I guess RH has attracted some crazies over the years. Anyway I won't be able to get NEAR him without Rick's absolute blessing. He's cool, though very L.A.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:49:02 pm)

'Works on the babes, anyway.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:49:17 pm)

Wish I could arrange to have St Helens blow again, then I could get a picture of him holding his guitar right in front of a giant, ashy mushroom cloud.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:49:59 pm)

Looks like Rick's coming along as well. 'Must suck to have to hire a Mommy.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:50:09 pm)

Did the crater all grow back yet? That would have been perfect. Just the blasted earth, the ash, the sterile cleansing from mother nature's core.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:51:36 pm)

He sat in with us when we interviewed RH last year. He listened closely to every question, and tapped at his watch when time was up and everything. After the show, when we were backstage, a girl brought up a piece of paper and laid it on the stage for Robyn. Rick grabbed it and looked it over - it was poetry and little drawings - and I don't believe it EVER made it to RH's hands. Then Rick told me about a girl that claimed she was RH's wife. He's very protective...but I guess he's been with RH for like 14 years or something.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:54:31 pm)

No, it didn't grow back. It's covered with snow and all, but still totally chopped-off looking. The mountain is still surrounded by fields of nothing but volcanic rock and the dead trees still lay in perfect lines like toothpics for miles. It's really very breathtaking.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 2:56:18 pm)

Have a helicopter drop you off in the middle of the crater and come back in six hours. Bring water.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 3:02:39 pm)

(Wed May 17, 2000 - 3:02:40 pm)

Heh...That's right, Robyn, go ahead and scream. We're MILES from where anyone can hear you!
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 3:03:13 pm)

Does anyone know where he lives?
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 3:04:11 pm)

I would like to ask him to be in my movie when the time comes, but not if I have to fetch him from england or someplace.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 3:06:25 pm)

The best info I could find at fegmania.org states that in 1992 he moved to DC to be closer to Cynthia, whom he intented to marry. But that's kind of out-dated.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 3:10:29 pm)

Demme did it, why not? I'm guessing limos where utilized there.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 3:19:19 pm)

Myk Murphy:
yeah, he moved back to england. i bet he lives near london, maybe inside london. yeah, he lived quite close to where i live now. northern virginia, right outside dc. the alexandria or arlington area, i think.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 4:21:24 pm)

Curses. Guess I'll settle for use of a song instead.
(Wed May 17, 2000 - 5:05:34 pm)

Dr GB:
Of course, all this talk of drugging and molesting Robyn and trying to find out where he lives, it wouldn't stand up in court. I'm sure.
(Thu May 18, 2000 - 4:29:55 am)

Bad hair, bad shirt, bad jacket day. Sigh. Will someone magic the coat I really want to have with me today to me please?
(Thu May 18, 2000 - 4:58:39 am)

i think Robyn knows where he lives, but i wouldn't vet on it.
(Thu May 18, 2000 - 4:59:54 am)

Hi Sleeps
(Thu May 18, 2000 - 5:00:16 am)

for vet read bet, but it works either way
(Thu May 18, 2000 - 5:00:53 am)

Hello. How are you?
(Thu May 18, 2000 - 5:02:27 am)

Robyn got a nice mention in the NME this week!!!!
(Thu May 18, 2000 - 5:02:30 am)