have you seen "the madness of king george"?
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 4:51:49 pm)

it's quite good. so is "1492: christopher colombus"
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 4:53:37 pm)

It's possible that a bird could transmit influenza to a human. And because they can fly over huge distances they can carry these agents with them. One incident, for example, was in the Antarctic where influenza among researchers was attributed to the arrival of migratory birds. A robot, on the other hand, knows no fear and works tirelessly and quickly: A day's worth of sealing cracks in the road can be finished in an hour.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 4:59:39 pm)

forgive him people, he's got issues. major issues. we're begiingi to give him large doses of lithium. then, as he progresses, we'll lower his intake.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 5:04:12 pm)

sealing cracks along the freeway is a lot like walking a tightrope without a net. Introduce a drunk driver or a flying chunk of debris, and a workaday job becomes a fatality statistic. Bird guano is an environmental menace, and Northern Ireland, which sponsored the barrage of bird guano research, receives up to 40 complaints a month. The poop is essentially a semi-solid concentrated form of urine known as uric acid, which wreaks havoc on stone and car paint and can even discolor bronze.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 5:06:06 pm)

I'm going out myself tonight. Those dogs aren't related to my Franco, hes part Chihuahua and hot dog dog. A few days ago Tom said out of thin air, "They should have named him Napolean". i said, what about Franco and he said no.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 5:06:59 pm)

A prototype robot capable of hunting down over 100 slugs an hour and using their rotting bodies to generate electricity is being developed by engineers at the University of West England's Intelligent Autonomous Systems Laboratory.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 5:07:54 pm)

bat guano. they used to ship it out of latin america by the ship load in the 19th century. going out by yourself? why go out at all?
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 5:10:18 pm)

i've got over 50 cavities.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 5:23:05 pm)


(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 5:32:30 pm)

Myk Murphy:
at this time i would like to make a statement calling for the unilateral use of toothpaste and a toothbrush by heruka. this bold move, however belated, might just help in his darkest hour. giggle.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 5:33:48 pm)

Chewing Wax:
Everyone knows that the flu comes from ducks and pigs in China. It's a documented fact. God I'm drunk. Ha.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 5:36:56 pm)

Chewing Wax:
The wife is making me play Baldur's Gate with her. She's a peach.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 5:38:39 pm)

I should get drunk tonight. Hmmm.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 5:40:20 pm)

Chewing Wax:
Shots of Jameson do the trick let me tell you
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 6:02:51 pm)

Rum and Coke here.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 6:14:25 pm)

Tonights holiday drink..that is.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 6:14:50 pm)

Chewing Wax:
I'm drunker than you folks I'm betting.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 6:25:02 pm)

Chewing Wax:
Who wants to do the dollar catch?
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 6:26:04 pm)

Baldurs Gate..is that good, I contemplate buying everytime I go game hunting. Betchya I'm drunker..heh hheh...what's dollar catch?
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 6:47:56 pm)

Chewing Wax:
You have to catch a falling dollar bill with two fingers.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 7:07:18 pm)

Why so drunk everyone? I'm leaving the house myself, but I'm going to the bar up the street, watch the pool game.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 7:45:17 pm)

Mrs Chewing Wax:
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 7:47:01 pm)

(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 7:47:18 pm)

Peanut Kitty did that.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 7:47:29 pm)

Oh my god, I just saw on the news about that van that hit all those people in front of Macy's. What a mess.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 7:50:17 pm)

Chewing Wax:
What happened?
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 7:57:22 pm)

My PC has just been infect with some virus called SMTP, have no clue what it is or does...but working to get it out now ..virus Bck/BionetME.316. My panda antivirus disinfect seems to renamed it...therefore not working...bugs me that it's still there though.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 8:13:50 pm)

Hi Mrs.Wax.!
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 9:19:46 pm)

fish tacos for dinner. they is some good eatin. I hate tv programs that try to make a social statement. I find it very insulting to think that I'm going to base my philosophical and idealogy on the entertainment industry. these fuckers can't even come up with a good movie without robbing some book. sorry, I understand there are those of you out there who take the entertainement industry a little too seriously, had I cared about hat you thought, this is where I would apologize for offending you and your cheesy base for your beliefs, but I don't, so all I can say I'm sorry your perception of the world is so small you have to rely of these dumbasses for any type of viewpoint at all.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 10:04:01 pm)

Myk Murphy:
theo.... your machine has some variation of the bionet backdoor virus. while you're fixing it, make sure you unplug your modem or broadband connection... this little darling calls up the virus writer via ICQ (or SMTP, perhaps?) to tell him to raid your files. SMTP isn't the virus, but rather, probably just the method for ET to phone home, as it is the protocol for sending email. check out http://securityresponse.symantec.com for more info.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 10:04:42 pm)

I hate a virus too Murphy. but I went to the doctor for mine, he just gave me some ointment.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 10:06:22 pm)

Myk Murphy:
yeah, heruka, hollywood takes itself quite seriously, as is evident by the "entertainment tonight" type shows. unfortunately, as they can and do shape our global culture, they do have an inappropriate amount of influence and feel obliged to use it.
(Thu Dec 27, 2001 - 10:07:58 pm)