Gosh, its still 65 degrees out.
(Wed Dec 5, 2001 - 9:27:17 pm)

We hit 75 locally. 71 officially in Cleveland. A record, and 30 above average. I went around all day with my top down. And I don't even own a convertible! Great night for a walk., it was. Ahh. 1:30 am posting by Sleepy. She's becoming nocturnal I bet. Waking up later, then going to bed later. The cycle of the unemployed.
(Wed Dec 5, 2001 - 9:53:14 pm)

Still 68 here.
(Wed Dec 5, 2001 - 9:55:37 pm)

My system is all screwed up now, it doesn't understand what's going on. I'm all giddy and goofy and excited. Like I am in the spring. I can't stop smiling.
(Wed Dec 5, 2001 - 10:03:38 pm)

Chewing Wax:
66 hear too. Going to sleep with the window open. Ahhh. Fresh warm tropical December breeze. Goodnight.
(Wed Dec 5, 2001 - 10:36:48 pm)

Chewing Wax:
(Wed Dec 5, 2001 - 10:36:53 pm)

Wax, will you buy me Grant Lee Buffalo's "Fuzzy" for my birthday?
(Wed Dec 5, 2001 - 11:09:10 pm)


(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 12:37:00 am)

Those are my minions. I send them out into the dark night to perform evil deeds.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 12:43:15 am)

Poop Flinger:
The strangest thing ha[[ened to me. While walking down the street on this glorious evening. I saw a whie beam of light coming from the side of the road. Piquing my interest, naturally I had to investicate to get a more knowledge. Upon my my reaching the source of this white light, I noticed it was coming from inside a storm drain. When suddenly, this scraching sound beam uot from the drain and with a flash of blue light, a nymphet appeared. Dressed in nothing but a mohair bikini and a cowboy hat, she beckoned my to come closer. I could not resist. I was helpless. With each step bringing me closer and closer, I felt heat that seemed to radiate from her burning me and singing my eyebrow. Still, there was nothing I could do. Like a schoolboy eyeballing a naked girl for the first time, I was in awe. When suddenly, in an eching sultry voice, she spoke the words that I, no matter how many years will pass, I can never forget. "Bill, it is I, you're one true desire. Please, take me to your private quarters and I will show you pleae that is only reserved for the gods." As I stood there, the only words I could muster out of my stunned, pulsating body were, "I'm not Bill, I'm Heruka." Then, with a puzzled, but elated look on her angel-like face, she replied,"oh, I'm sotty, I'm looking for a man named Bill. Sorry to bother you." Then in a flash, both she and the light had disappeared. You can read this and other true tales of of life in my new book, 'Blind-sided By Love".
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 12:52:52 am)

Poop Flinger:

(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 12:56:42 am)

Poop Flinger:
a good story tuined by typos.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 12:57:35 am)

Speaking of gods. Did you know a cow carries within it 33,000 of 'em. According to Hindu's anyway.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 12:59:12 am)

That's probably why beef is so satisfying when we eat it. Har!
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 12:59:45 am)


(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 4:21:05 am)

Go to bed Heruka.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 5:03:07 am)

Joe Henry:
This much is clear: we as citizens of this nation didn’t choose to be visited upon by heartless death squads, but we can and must choose how we are going to understand it, respond to it, and survive it.Our government is eager for us to see this as an Attack on Freedom. And it seems most of us would like to believe that. It’s so easy an idea to rally around, and it forgives almost any manner of righteous anger; will give our government a free reign to act in any way it chooses while end-running protocol and procedure. The enemy, they’d have us think (whoever they are) despise us for our values, and envy us our soda pop, ATM machines, Levis and cable service. But that begs any responsibility on the part of our country for our actions as world citizens. Bin Laden may, in fact, be the trigger-man on this job, but he may also prove to be little more than a convenient poster-boy; a Lee Oswald, who stands to mask a greater practitioner. I mean, here we are: peace lovers all, minding our own business, when some rogue band of desert gypsies pick us at random out of a world atlas, and decide to have a little fun at our naïve expense. Like bored Texas highschoolers with their daddies’ shotguns, they’re out shooting the mailboxes of the respectable citizenry, just to reek a little havoc.Our government knows better. They have a culpability they’d rather not share, and an agenda to which we’ll never be fully privy. This is not an attack on Freedom (though it will surely affect ours); but rather a hateful assault on US foreign policy that has for decades been arrogant, selfish and brutish. We have, for our own purposes, built up Iraq in a hatred toward Iran; and continue to (did you know this?) bomb southern Iraq, killing many innocents, because our old partner Hussein has embarrassed us by being too much like us: selfish and brutish. We have –only 4 months ago, and knowing PLENTY already about them and whom they "harbor"- given 43 million dollars to the Taliban to stop them growing poppy, Afghanistan’s chief crop. We have supported Israel and told Palestine not to answer violence with more violence, terrorism with more terrorism.Until it happened here. And now all bets are off and our people need to be avenged. To that end, we are quickly shifting our priorities, backing new horses, picking new friends. Listen: we have always lived in a world at war. And the rest of that world lives daily with the threat of terror that we are only beginning to glimpse. It is arrogant of Americans to say, "the world has changed" simply because, now, it has happened Here.But it has, and now…the flags are out. And President Bush has made a non-too-subtle declaration that you are either "for us or against us." The result being that anyone (including citizens of this nation) who does not endorse and support a military response to this crisis will be seen as un-American. A harsh bit of intimidation. "Where’s your flag?" a neighbor might ask you, and the fact that you might owe him an answer says something about the freedom that the flag is supposed to represent. And while we are getting weepy over that symbol of freedom, it’s not off track to remind ourselves that our nation was forged from the blood of native Americans, and built on the backs of dark skinned slaves; An important point-of-departure as we look with self-satisfied disgust at the "godless" countries who oppose us while we busy ourselves as the custodians of all that is Good.The senate and the House have made a point of standing shoulder to shoulder on the issue of a military response, fearing that any descent will be seen by the country and the world as weakness. But our system is founded on the check-and-balance of contrary thought, and we owe it to ourselves to insist on a debate of alternatives. Because a modern war can not be "won" or "lost" in the old school way of keeping score. Because the enemy is an ideology not an encampment.This much is also clear: our beautiful, brave, innocent, dedicated, selfless, aspiring, ambitious, funny, flirting, living fathers/mothers/brothers/sisters/sons/daught-ers/husbands/wives/friends –lost to us forever- are no more expendable in the eyes of God than are His children in Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Palestine, Israel, Sri Lanka, China, Angola and Cuba.I’ve watched, as you have, our president pray in public, asking God for guidance (and Bush addresses God as if he believed God were originally from Indianapolis; a fellow American). But if he were really interested, he’d know that that very guidance has been laid out in a book for centuries, waiting for just this occasion. If we care, God has said in no uncertain terms that vengeance belongs to Him alone, and that we are to pray for our enemies. Now, I don’t really believe our nation’s leaders –or its citizens, for that matter- are ready to adopt that as policy. But I do think that if we are going to invoke the name of God in our actions, we should at least be willing to try. And if we have so much blood in our teeth that we must answer violence with more violence, we shouldn’t pretend we’re doing so in His name.It is awful what has happened. And I am hurt, confused and fearful. And I don’t consider myself a pacifist; I have a family and I would do anything in my power to protect them. I also love the country of my birth and take full advantage of all that it has to offer. But the world has changed and it is way late in the game for the kind of nationalism that, at the moment, passes for patriotism. If we’re not willing to see through our tears of rage to see exactly how we arrived at this moment of crisis, we can’t expect not to be here again.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 5:26:14 am)

Talk about liberal, simplistic, nonsensical wank. It ignores the core of the Islam religion. All non-believers in Allah MUST be killed. This INCLUDES you Joe Henry(Wax). And let's not fiddle around here. This IS about religion, dumbass. And if this were true, what about the death squads in India who go around shooting at random and at will Hindus like they're cattle. Do they kill thousands of Hindus because of America? I really think an education on Islam, and how it acts through the world would be benifitial to you. Sounds nice though. And I'm sure there's people out there who would agree with you. Sadly. But it's classic lawyer tripe. Turn the victims into the guilty party.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 6:27:03 am)

Oh, and Cushca. That wasn't me who posted that guy earlier.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 6:28:16 am)

It would make a good article in the NYTime's. It's fluff, devoid of any actual or truthful facts. Almost like an article I read in there a couple of weeks ago about how Muslims are in India and throughout Asia, claiming that when given the chance, they're a civiled bunch. Of cousre the auther was smart enough to leave out the bombings and violence and terrorist schools in India and elsewhere. But heck, facts would have just completely made her statement irrelevant. Classic NYT's garbage.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 6:32:04 am)

And if that ain't Wax, I'm sorry. Although it has the stench of ultr-liberalism all over it. Like a rotting corpse.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 6:44:02 am)

You have to understand something, my interest in India is big. And how Muslims act in India is how they truly believe. This wasn't a complete strike against America, nor freedom, nor Levi's, nor Americas foreign policies. This WAS a strike against anyone who's not Islamic. Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Jew. I don't know if you've noticed "Joe Henry", but there isn't a major religion that Islam has not attacked. Maybe you're using this strike as a means to give your anti-American sentiment some relevancy. That's what I would think.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 6:51:52 am)

Have you had too much coke?
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 6:54:22 am)

No, why? I haven't done coke in years. It's great for sex. I have slept tonight. It's warm out. And I plan to take advantage of it.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 7:01:14 am)

You make it sound so pleasant. What time is it there?
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 7:08:13 am)

7:10 am. Coke, it's great. You just have to know when to hit it.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 7:09:54 am)

I'm 5 hours behind. Same time as Wax. And Decoy. And Myk. And Bela. And Theo.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 7:10:42 am)

Ah yes. Of course. And you're right about coke.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 7:11:20 am)

Think I'll make flap-jacks and eggs.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 7:12:57 am)

Yes. You do that.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 7:21:07 am)

I is for Islam, which, we are told, is what this war is not about. We are at war, instead, with those who would "pervert Islam," "hijack a noble religion," "stain the name of a great faith," etc. We are asked to ignore that--Turkey and Bangladesh excepted--there is no Islamic country that is a democracy. We are asked to ignore the still more damning fact that scarcely any Islamic institutions in the West have come out and condemned Sept. 11 in unequivocal terms. Taken from http://www.opinionjournal.com/columnists/tvaradarajan/
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 7:59:52 am)

I is for Islam, which, we are told, is what this war is not about. We are at war, instead, with those who would "pervert Islam," "hijack a noble religion," "stain the name of a great faith," etc. We are asked to ignore that--Turkey and Bangladesh excepted--there is no Islamic country that is a democracy. We are asked to ignore the still more damning fact that scarcely any Islamic institutions in the West have come out and condemned Sept. 11 in unequivocal terms.

When Margaret Thatcher points out that she would have liked to hear more Islamic clerics in Britain speak out against terrorism, she is pilloried as "racist" and "divisive" by the multicultural establishment. And when Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's prime minister, says that "we must be aware of the superiority of our civilization, a system that has guaranteed well-being, respect for human rights and--in contrast with Islamic countries--respect for religious and political rights, a system that has as its values understandings of diversity and tolerance," he is treated like a pariah by his confreres at the European Union. Go figure.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 8:00:50 am)

No way that was Wax. Good morning naive fuckwads, and Cushca and Heruka.
(Thu Dec 6, 2001 - 8:39:56 am)