Myk Murphy:
glad you enjoyed the show, queenie. today i bought a second-hand cd copy of "invisible hitchcock" and a sealed vinyl copy (cutout) of "black snake diamond role". i saw a sealed radio promo copy of "moss elixir". i like radio promo items, although it's a shame that the artist receives no royalty on them.
(Sat Dec 1, 2001 - 7:21:20 pm)

Today we finally opened our copy of "Mossy Liquor" and put it on CD.
(Sat Dec 1, 2001 - 10:11:00 pm)

All I want for Christmas...

In DTS!!!
(Sat Dec 1, 2001 - 10:12:46 pm)

Chewing Wax:
Hey all. The Philharmonic was good.
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 12:45:10 am)

I suppose if you don't mind I'll watch my DVD of Help!
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 1:34:50 am)

Chewing Wax:
That was me
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 1:35:34 am)

Oh, Shocking!
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 1:37:44 am)

I didn't encourage that wink
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 1:44:13 am)

Everyone laughs at Ringo's sudden apprehension.
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 1:47:05 am)

It was you buzzing
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 1:47:32 am)

There's somebody been in this soup
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 1:56:10 am)

Jeweler you've failed
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 1:58:00 am)

It's the brain drain. His brain's draining.
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 2:02:18 am)

"Alright, Yeah" in Swedish is pretty priceless.
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 2:26:50 am)

Psssst, anyone want to but some Enron stock? Cheap.
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 5:15:59 am)

How 'bout some slightly used nylon stockings? I've picked all the previous owners hairs out of them.
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 5:17:13 am)

I need to raise cash. I found out Big Bertha's dowry is only 2 goats, a chicken and a VCR. It's BETA.
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 5:20:23 am)

Of course, the Philharmonic, I hope if was good. I drank beer and watched hockey and set up my new dvd player. Its funny that we didn't have one until two weeks ago and now we have two.
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 10:27:39 am)

Just reading the news. You'd think that the Arabs would be protecting the Jews about now. Uj oh.
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 10:30:00 am)

I recorded a lovely garbled bootleg of the Furs show. Good times.
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 5:50:04 pm)

Detlef Sping:
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 7:02:55 pm)

Really? I thought a techno geek would have had a dvd player long long ago. Even I've had one for about a year. Yeah, the news is fascinating. What will the world be like after all is said and done? No-one seems to have a definative answer. Is what's going on really that major to change the world as we know it? I can't think of anything in my lifetime that has the possibilty to have such an impact as what's happening these days. In the end will the liberals be rught and we'll all hold hands and go skipping through tulips loving and accepting one onther in some politically correct utopia? I wanna know what's Myks opinion on how current events will impact long term world powers?
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 7:17:59 pm)

Phil Luckett? How ... ? Wha ...
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 7:45:31 pm)

I love that Walrus song those boys did. Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye...
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 7:47:12 pm)

Myk Murphy:
i see that arafat has decided to sacrifice a couple of his lambs (1 hamas and 1 from another idiot jihad group), but it may be a bit late. sharon might be too tired of this. arafat should be on his hit list, now. arafat's own deputy said that the violence should continue, and all informed players know that this guy could not have said this without arafat's direct blessing. israel may finally punch the palestinian authority's ticket. logic says the current peace process is completely dead, not that it was really alive. on a much more pleasant note, i'm listening to side 2 (remember "sides"?) of "BSDR". it has that wonderful sound... that of mid-grade recording quality prog vinyl. love it. current events, h? i'll take a stab at it....
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 7:55:41 pm)

Myk Murphy:
currents events are showing us a few things: first, the american muscle flexing is obvious now, but the real arm-twisting will occur after afghanistan, both when the US tells the middle east to pound sand while iraq is dealt with, and in the future, when the US orders these nations to discontinue antisocial behavior. no more wahhabism bullshit from our dear saudi friends. while russia is attempting some basic military machinations during the rabbani/no. alliance retake of kabul, they understand perfectly well that they will be a much smaller global player. from their perspective, global assistance to put down islamic theocratic gov'ts is good enough for them, since the problem has been on their doorstep. as for the EU, they've shown themselves to be, once again, utterly useless on the global geopolitical stage, and are destined to remain impotent during a crisis. europe will need to be fully integrated in all senses of the word before this can change. as it stands, the EU will always break down into separate nations to answer the call. this may not be a bad thing. the wild card, as always, is china. chinese political and military leaders are now only preparing for one theoretical war: a war with the US. despite border skirmishes, russia is falling off the chinese list of geopolitical priorities. recently, a prominent general said this in so many words. their war of the future is sino-american, and they believe that this accelerates as the US remains a hyperpower and further spreads its reach with the taming of the middle east. i don't see such a war as inevitable, but within 30 years, it's not easily characterized as unlikely. internal political reform within china is the variable here. for a best-case longterm scenario: first, no catastrophes such as a terrorist nuclear incident. something like that could change everything. second, the EU decides to return to its nato roots and truly partner with the US. russia sees the real east-west divide, and it is firmly on the west. it's time for brussels to figure it out, too. without dropping a bomb, that message of unity will crush the real threat: govts supporting the terrorists, if indirectly. even china would be cowed by such a display. third, a continued partnership with india, once staunchly anti-US. like russia, they grasp the threat clearly. if pakistan is cajoled, and india remains a partner, one hopes that china sees this as a reason to be peaceful, and not as a balance-of-power crisis circa mid-19th century. a bit long-winded and not as orderly as it should be, but hey, i'm trying to listen to music, too.
(Sun Dec 2, 2001 - 8:25:42 pm)

This is what I read last week. It's an interesting article.
(Mon Dec 3, 2001 - 12:33:03 am)

lookin' for love - in all the wrong places
lookin' for love - in too many faces
(Mon Dec 3, 2001 - 2:49:52 am)

ooooh-weeee! all this and she has "some high school"! brains and beuaty, and she's noit shy about being a looker.. "
(Mon Dec 3, 2001 - 3:09:52 am)


(Mon Dec 3, 2001 - 3:10:34 am)

what can it all mean?:
*global geopolitical stage*sino-american*
(Mon Dec 3, 2001 - 5:42:15 am)

Cool. Nicely done. Can I be the one that tells them to "go pound sand?"
(Mon Dec 3, 2001 - 7:20:36 am)

Myk Murphy:
Good morning, fellow sand pounders. Decoy is now Lord High Commissioner on Suggestion for the Pounding of Sand.
(Mon Dec 3, 2001 - 7:34:26 am)