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Myk Murphy:
Good morning, 1970s action comedy movie enthusiasts.
(9/7/2018 7:41:39 AM ET)

Try to make time to watch The Cannonball Run this weekend.
(9/7/2018 11:16:37 AM ET)

Myk Murphy:
when i was a kid, i had 3 or 4 hot wheels/matchbox '76 black trans am t-top cars. the hot wheels ones were vastly superior, and they usually won the race.
(9/7/2018 11:20:44 AM ET)

Hot Wheels had the wire axles and precision wheels that rolled better, but could bend the axle if you stepped on the car or even pushed down too hard. Matchboxes you could run a truck over and they wouldn't break or bend.
(9/7/2018 11:25:24 AM ET)

Myk Murphy:
By the late 70s, matchbox was a shadow of its former self, and the hot wheels option was more rugged and rolled better. The plastic undercarriage adoption was no doubt a cost saving move, but it ruined the brand. At some point Mattel swallowed the matchbox brand from lesney, I think. And now all the car undercarriage parts are plastic.
(9/7/2018 3:46:17 PM ET)

Myk Murphy:
Howdy from the beach. Tidying up after a very nice family rented the property, and securing things just in case hurricane florence decides to visit the mid Atlantic coast.
(9/7/2018 9:26:32 PM ET)