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Myk Murphy:
Yes, but which brain is the control group and which brain got the wonderful medicine? So many questions..
(9/5/2018 7:44:44 AM ET)

Speaking of dead brains, my retired ex-business partner called me because he couldn't figure out what was wrong with his computer after the power at home went out. Turned out that the computer was off. Once I diagnosed that, he insisted that there was no power button anywhere on the front. Once I guided him to the power button, he said he didn't realize the power going out would make it turn off.
(9/5/2018 8:45:25 AM ET)

Myk Murphy:
perhaps it's a good thing that he's retired. at least when you worked with him, you can retrospectively forgive him for never making a fresh pot of coffee in the office kitchen. it turns out that the omission was a safety precaution.
(9/5/2018 9:55:35 AM ET)

Myk Murphy:
Question for cushca and her British language decoder ring: I'm watching a British real estate shopping show and one of the rooms was called a "snug." What the fuck is a snug? We need to know. Is it a parlor of some sort? It sounds odd. A snug what, exactly?
(9/5/2018 10:21:50 PM ET)