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ONE DAY'S POSTINGS: 9/27/2018 - FIRST TO LAST 22 Posts Total BACK

DC is a fucked up place. Apparently back then, too. Allegedly.
(9/27/2018 8:18:55 AM ET)

Myk Murphy:
this guy grew up in one of the wealthier spots in the dc area, but i can tell you that all the suburban kids did beach week, and with the drinking age at 18, the early 1980s were probably more insane than my own experience in the late 80s. there's a funny article about it in the post today. he screwed himself with that pious schoolboy interview on fox news, as the references to the beach police dept, the 100 keg ralph club, and several other tidbits of teenage sexual conquest tell a different story. the calendar does not help his case at all, no matter how many times his church gets mentioned. he should have done the interview, but simply said "yup, i partied too hard as a kid, but nothing ever happened that wasn't consensual." ..instead, his "i didn't get laid until college or later" (i'm paraphrasing) message is in direct conflict with the documents. which makes him a liar, if not a rapist. neither is a good quality in a Supreme.
(9/27/2018 8:51:53 AM ET)

Uncanny - maybe it was that rope in gym class?

(9/27/2018 11:05:01 AM ET)

Afternoon bastards.
(9/27/2018 11:29:03 AM ET)

Ridiculing someone who says they've been sexually assaulted? Tacky at best, industrial-strength shitbaggery at worst.
(9/27/2018 11:32:26 AM ET)

Something's not right about her. Damaged one way or another for sure. Horrible situation when there's no corroboration, no date, no evidence, etc.. If only the Senators "behind" her weren't corrupt shit bags. Garth isn't right in the head either.
(9/27/2018 1:17:00 PM ET)

The way I remember it, Wax can tell me if I'm wrong (if he remembers) - we didn't drink much with girls around, more like hid from them. Probably because we would have been far too silly to be taken seriously.
(9/27/2018 1:20:48 PM ET)

Chewing Wax:
We didn’t get invited to the train rape parties I guess. Oh those early 80’s. It was a different time back then.
(9/27/2018 1:34:20 PM ET)

I guess that's what they meant by the cool kids? Ugh.
(9/27/2018 2:03:54 PM ET)

Chewing Wax:
What people who grew up with the 21 year old “we proof everyone” environment we are in now, when the drinking age was 18 back in the early 80’s you could buy beer when you were 15. No one gave a shit. Not that this has anything to do with anything.
(9/27/2018 2:18:05 PM ET)

Its like some kind of neo-puritanical PC world now. I really can't decide if its progress or not. But in any age, people should be respectful of others. Drunk or not. What's interesting to me is that this is contemporaneous with my high school years, yet entirely alien in a cultural sense. Fast times in elitist DC suburbia. I looked up Renate Schroeder and that is hilarious. The punch line is that she didn't even know she was being slut shamed in the yearbook? A class of 60 kids? ... Fucked up place. There literally is no analog to beach week where I come from. Maybe the parties were at the same time as math league and model UN; unless, as Wax suggests, I was such a dork that I just plain wasn't invited to the rape parties.
(9/27/2018 2:40:21 PM ET)

I ran the chess club at junior school.
(9/27/2018 3:30:09 PM ET)

And you play chess? Truly the whole package.
(9/27/2018 3:34:49 PM ET)

I never drank beer to the point of blacking out. That was bourbon.
Can I get a rim shot?

(9/27/2018 3:41:58 PM ET)

Chewing Wax:
Give that man a rim shot
(9/27/2018 3:47:12 PM ET)

I wish he would stop sniffing. Blow your nose, liar.
(9/27/2018 4:22:13 PM ET)

Myk Murphy:
God help the GOP if they try to push him through on a party line vote tomorrow. Comically, some GOP operatives claim to have found two patsies to take the fall, claiming to be the real Brett and Mark. Doubling down on the thing that cost ed Whelan his job? Some powerful folks want this to go away.
(9/27/2018 4:36:11 PM ET)

Myk, the Dems would do whatever it takes, per Chuck Schumer. Subjectively credible alleged victims are the the new Harry Reid, "We won didn't we?" Listen to Durbin, that penis, playing the end game right now - call for an investigation! Durbin, a documented liar, sneak, and back stabber. Whatever your perception of the GOP's actions, people will forget completely about all this by the first Tuesday in November. The media and the Democrat messaging machine will have to move on.
(9/27/2018 4:46:17 PM ET)

God help the Dems when the majority of voters stop believing their bullshit.
(9/27/2018 4:48:36 PM ET)

What a shitshow. Night bastards.
(9/27/2018 5:26:37 PM ET)

Chewing Wax:
Night Cushca.
(9/27/2018 5:44:29 PM ET)

Myk Murphy:
With Grassley and Graham on the scene, you think the dems have an image and credibility problem? And Orrin hatch?

Sleep well, cushca, and dream of pleasant things far removed from our continuing national nightmare over here.

(9/27/2018 6:19:03 PM ET)