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ONE DAY'S POSTINGS: 11/5/2018 - FIRST TO LAST 29 Posts Total BACK

Morning bastards.
(11/5/2018 1:14:19 AM ET)

He has been an indoor cat but we're going to let him out after we've had him a month.
(11/5/2018 1:15:07 AM ET)

He's running around like a fucking lunatic this morning. I've no idea why. Maybe too much catnip. Something has put the wind up his tail.
(11/5/2018 1:16:15 AM ET)

Chewing Wax:
How old is he?
(11/5/2018 8:10:50 AM ET)

Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes and his companions
Did the scheme contrive,
To blow the King and Parliament
All up alive.
Threescore barrels, laid below,
To prove old England's overthrow.
But, by God's providence, him they catch,
With a dark lantern, lighting a match!
A stick and a stake
For King James's sake!
If you won't give me one,
I'll take two,
The better for me,
And the worse for you.
A rope, a rope, to hang the Pope,
A penn'orth of cheese to choke him,
A pint of beer to wash it down,
And a jolly good fire to burn him.
Holloa, boys! holloa, boys! make the bells ring!
Holloa, boys! holloa boys! God save the King!
Hip, hip, hooor-r-r-ray!

(11/5/2018 8:49:42 AM ET)

Blimey, it's been a while. Took me ages to get through security.
(11/5/2018 10:02:10 AM ET)

(11/5/2018 10:02:24 AM ET)

i'm thinking of being in NYC next July.
(11/5/2018 10:02:49 AM ET)

i'm thinking of being in NYC next July.
(11/5/2018 10:02:52 AM ET)

so good i said it twice.
(11/5/2018 10:03:01 AM ET)

Ronnie or Reggie are good names for a cat.
(11/5/2018 10:03:34 AM ET)

i think the border should be patrolled by cats.
(11/5/2018 10:09:40 AM ET)

(11/5/2018 10:11:04 AM ET)

i didn't meant to do that, obviously.
(11/5/2018 10:11:24 AM ET)

i do hope everyone is alive and kicking. you all look fabulous.
(11/5/2018 10:12:02 AM ET)

Chewing Wax:
Hello Froupy
(11/5/2018 10:13:10 AM ET)

Chewing Wax:
(11/5/2018 10:13:37 AM ET)

Chewing Wax:
Stupid auto correct
(11/5/2018 10:13:51 AM ET)

Chewing Wax:
Stupid auto correct
(11/5/2018 10:13:53 AM ET)

Hello froupie.
(11/5/2018 10:22:17 AM ET)

He's three years old and he's called Rudi-Sue Kitler.
(11/5/2018 10:22:50 AM ET)

Chewing Wax:
Very T.S. Eliot.
(11/5/2018 10:48:06 AM ET)

I've discovered that I just don't get tired of the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack(s). My twins ask me to put it on over and over. I'm still dancing and humming along. Forty years ago, who knew 10 year olds would be listening to vintage ELO like that? So, that's nice.
(11/5/2018 1:52:16 PM ET)

Kitler, eh?
(11/5/2018 1:53:01 PM ET)

Myk Murphy:
NYC? it's a quiet place. not that much going on.

yes, that soundtrack is pretty good. we finally saw the films this year.

(11/5/2018 2:20:03 PM ET)

Sorry about the Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart "wall," Froupie. Sign of the times. We left the door open one night, and sure enough - bots everywhere.
(11/5/2018 3:00:35 PM ET)

Myk Murphy:
Hi froupie! It has been entirely too long.
(11/5/2018 6:50:15 PM ET)

Myk Murphy:
ok, so everyone has to vote tomorrow. instructions are pretty simple, so here goes:

if you believe in human rights, defense treaties, trade cooperation, environmental issues, and fiscal responsibility, or if you believe that the emoluments clause is of the vaguest interest, you should vote for the democrat(s) on your ballot. no exceptions to be made, even if you believe that your local republican is independent. over the last two years, very few GOP reps have spoken up to denounce the most vulgar, corrupt, and downright bizarre executive branch we've seen in modern memory.

if none of the issues listed above are of interest, but you wish to return to a prior version of the GOP that was pro-business and anti-deficit, you should vote for the democrat(s) on your ballot. you must euthanize this mutated republican party if you want to return it to its prior, functioning state. when genuine conservatives fill the op-ed pages with vote dem messaging, it isn't because they like nancy pelosi. it's because this is the USA's flirtation with ignorant populist fascism, and it is wrong. no one on fox news can make this right. this isn't the republican party you think it is, or was, unless you fall into the following group...

if you are an avowed nativist (racist, pretty much) or if you strongly believe that mean-spirited and anti-cooperative behavior advances the interest of our country, you should choose to consult someone more intelligent or more compassionate than you prior to voting. Then, after consultation, you should vote for the democrat(s) on your ballot. sorry, but it's an awkward truth when we must point out that you're either not particularly nice or you simply don't know better. after two years, it's disingenuous to claim ignorance about this administration's anti-democratic and pandering.. something not seen from GOP or democrat administrations in the past. so, if you're not a nice person, pretend that you are, and vote correctly. in the future, you'll get a chance to claim that you weren't part of the problem.

i hope this was helpful.

(11/5/2018 9:06:55 PM ET)

Chewing Wax:
Keep fighting the good fight Myk. Trouble is that besides you there are only two other Americans here that vote. You're preaching to the choir with me. But your analysis is true. Maybe it will resonate.
(11/5/2018 10:30:00 PM ET)